Monday, March 16, 2009

Little Pick Ups

Okay, there are days that I still stuggle with the length of this adoption. Yes, even me when I can sit here and look at the amazing child that I do have from Nepal. Even me, the international adoption social worker, that helped other couples through these times. Yes, even me that knows and trusts the Lord that all will come to pass. So let me tell you what picked me up a little, or at least made me laugh.

This morning I received a message from my good friend Cydil Waggoner in Wilmore, Kentucky. Cydil is an amazing photographer (she took the really good ones of our family this past September). She had been to a photography seminar with a teacher named Vicki Taufer. Vicki and her husband Jed are waiting for a referral (otherwise known as a beautiful child) from Nepal (small world). Cydil told them about my blog and Vicki stated that they had been reading it (hey there Vicki and Jed). Then Cydil gave me links to there Vlog, as they call it. So I checked it out. Thank you Cydil, Jed and Vicki! The video of the bat capture made me roll! (clic on the title of this post to go to the vlog) I had a similar experience in Jamaica, but it ended with the bat coming straight at my face.

So in the big scheme of things, thank you for the laughter. It helps not to take things quite so seriously. Whether any of you see it or not I thank God for the little ''earnest'' that He put there for me. I needed it. So now, I will continue with the paperchase that we are working on.

Today we have a lot of phone calls to make (which means Andreas has a lot of phone calls to make, the phone is still very hard to deal with for me) and on Wednesday we have another meeting with our social worker to finalize the second version of our homestudy. Our homestudy will go back through the social work committee on March 31 and then go to translation. Funny that everything is done in Swedish and then has to be translated to English, yes my world does seem a little upside down now and again. Hopefully all paperwork will be done by the time translation is finished and all will be sent to Nepal at that time. Still hoping that we get a picture this year and can pick her up next year. Realistic, but far.

God bless and hold you in his grace and laughter,

p.s. I have had some comments about my () marks that I do. Think of it like this, when you are having conversations with people, there are things that you say and then things that you think, but don't say. The words in the () are the words that I am thinking, so you get a little of the world inside my head. Yes folks, I have extra conversational pieces going on inside my head (don't ask, but I think it's a social worker thing).

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