Tuesday, March 09, 2010

My Smart and Very Funny Son

Hello All, I have been quiet for a little while. Nothing much out of the ordinary to tell and haven't had my camera out much. However, Samuel continues to thrill us with his growing and learning. He is really enjoying school and his teacher has said that he is doing really well. We set up a few goals for him to work towards (more social learning steps) and have praised him constantly. He is extremely interessed in numbers and letters now. The other night he started writing on the whiteboard we have for him and you can see the results in the picture below. First time he has written all the numbers out to 10. This was without us, all on his own. We were very proud.

The picture below needs a little explanation. In school they are talking about body parts. Now as you notice Sam has drawn a few more body parts than they are studying (very cute). Sam says this is a picture of him. Then he has also mind mapped the whole body (those are the lines with the bubbles on the end of them). They have been doing the mind mapping in school and he has totally taken it in. I love his innocense in asking about all the body parts that we have and we have had some pretty candid conversations lately (my boy is growing up). He asked me the other day if I would have a baby come out my penis (he did this with hand motions also, it was really hard not to laugh). So we talked about where a baby does come out. Then of course he had to ask how it gets in there! Before I answered that one I asked if they were talking about this in school. He innocently said, "no, I found a book in the library about babies." So without any details I told him that mommies and daddies put the babies in there. I was not prepared for that question yet. So now Andreas and I need to think of exactly how to explain it all. I have always been straight forward with him before about the body, but I don't know if I am ready for this one. With his little inquisitive mind I better get ready soon.

May we all be given the correct answers for our children.



Reg said...

Really nice body picture. Every time when I read your post I think you are talking from my boy. He is the same age and about your discussion of how is the baby coming inside of the woman, we had exactly the same last week ;-)
Samuel is so cute

Andrew and Heather Robinson said...

How wonderful to hear from you. Samuel is the cutest. I'll e-mail you soon!