Thursday, December 17, 2009

Gingerbread House, Pepperkaks Hus

One of the fun things we decided to do this year is build a gingerbread house (in Swedish it is a pepperkaks hus). No I did not actually bake the gingerbread. I didn't have that kind of time. However, the wonderful store has kits (which I love). There was still some cooking involved. I even learned a thing or two. The first thing is that you can actually cook sugar (without water) and it will melt. Never really thought about it, but hey, it was pretty cool. Second, it makes a great glue, but you definitely don't want to get it on your fingers. It burns really bad! Sam was dying to get in there and help us glue it, but I was terrified that he would burn himself. Nothing like a little danger to make a Christmas tradition special... The pictures below are the beginning of our project and end results. Sorry that there are no inbetween pics, between the danger of the sugar glue and trying to get Sam not to eat the candy we had our hands full. It was fun and Sam seemed to enjoy it. At the end of the season we will break in and eat it, but for now it is decoration... unless the dog gets to it first!


We both have aprons on, it makes it more official!

The two exterior decorators.

The oh-so professional glamor shot of the Gingerbread house with advent candles! I'm trying Cydil!

1 comment:

Cydil said...
