Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Romania and Adoptions

I can't believe it but Romania is actually opening a small loop hole for international adoptions.  For those of you who don't know the fact the Romania is at all opening to any sort of adoptions is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!

For many years Romania has been outspoken against international adoption and flat out calling it ''child trafficking''.  They have moved to ban international adoption...well forever, many times.  I believe it was in the 90's that there was a huge international outcry about the conditions of Romanian orphanages and the squaller that the children live in, but have been told by missionary friends that things did get better (not first hand knowledge from me).

Here is the overview of the Romanian adoption program as seen on

The Romania adoption program is very small, and a program that is open ONLY to couples and single women who hold both US and Romanian citizenship. At this time there are no exceptions to this requirement. 

Children Available : Only children 3 years and older and sibling groups are referred for adoption. These children are on a database with the Romanian Office of Adoptions. There are no "waiting children" in this program. By that we mean that no adoption agencies have information on specific children that are available. Instead, the Romanian Office of Adoptions makes a match between prospective adoptive families and the children within their database. Families wishing to adopt through this program must complete all paperwork within the USA, and wait for the referral of a child.

Parent Qualifications: Romania requires families wishing to adopt to hold both Romanian citizenship and US Citizenship. There is flexibility in in the age of parents and the number of children currently being parented in the home. Single women and couples (only one must hold dual citizenship) may adopt. 

Travel: Both parents must travel and stay in Romania for a minimum of 30 days and appear in court. During the 30 days of placement of the child with the adoptive family in Romania, social workers from the local social services will visit and make reports for the court. A final decision will be issued after approximately 10 days to 2 weeks. At that time, the family could go home and come back in approximately 2 weeks, or stay until the paperwork (including new birth certificate, passport for the child and US Embassy appointment for the Visa is finished. Total of 60 days needed for the entire process 

Timeline: Unknown at this time.

From my understanding the law reads that Romanian citizens who ''habitually live abroad'' can adopt.  Which means if one of the adults in the family holds citizenship...whether in the US or Europe or Tinbucktwo can adopt.   If you are such a family or you know of a family such as this, please encourage or consider adopting one (or more) of Romania's estimated 84,000 orphan treasures.  Every child needs a forever family, every child needs to know the security of parents that love them.  You don't have to be perfect (otherwise I would not have been able to adopt), you just have to be willing and open to these precious children.


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