Wednesday, October 31, 2012

In Awe

How can I even begin to understand the depth and height and breadth and width of God's workings.  The honest truth is I cannot.  However, there are times in our lives that we get to see glimpses of them.


There are so many days the I have failed or neglected my relationship with Christ and I have not known that He is with me.  Then there are those defining moments when you know that you are His child.


There are days when the problems of this world push me down and distract me from the praise the He is due.  Then there are times that all I want to do is sing and cry in joy to the ONE that saves us.


Why today you ask?  My answer is simply this...before I knew what would happen...God was working.  Before I could put together one prayer or idea for this passion He has placed in me...God was changing others hearts.   Before I almost lost my vision...God was raising up others to pray, push and revive.  (I am positive he is the best multi-tasker EVER)

He wasn't doing this because I am worthy, but because of his strong passion for the orphans of this world.  He doesn't even really need me, but he asks me to come along and allow him to use my hands and feet.  Why, because he has placed me in his family...he did not leave me as an orphan.  Why, because he placed two precious boys in our family that needed to know the love of their Savior and the love of a family.  Why, because there are millions of other children that need to know His love, His salvation, His safety...but before they can even take these in they need food, water, and shelter.

Today the answer came from the Methodist Church in Nepal.
Andreas emailed the head of the church in Nepal to see if they wanted to partner with us in our dream.  The answer to my husbands email was:
''Answer to 10 years of prayer''

They have been prayer for 10 years to be able to help the many needy children that come into the churches, but they didn't have the resources.  They have been praying to for someone to partner with them, but they didn't know who.  I don't know about you guys, but when God opens up a bigger picture and you realize that he has been using you in that picture, it is pretty awe inspiring, humbling, and down right amazing.  For so many years this passion and dream has been one sided.  Me, my husband, my in-laws, a group of amazing women praying, but it has never seemed to extend farther than that.  That is to say that I could never see the extension.

However, TODAY IS ONE OF THOSE DAYS where I can finally see some of the greater plan that God is (has been) putting in place.  I always referred to it as my dream or passion, but the truth is it was always HIS dream and passion.

So today is a day of PRAISE and GLORY to the ONLY ONE who is worthy of all of it.  I will praise him in advance for the work that he is always faithful with.  Will you praise with me?  Will you let HIM show you the plans that he has been putting in place around you?  Will you let him show you a passion?  I pray you will.

We have bought our tickets to Nepal now.  On February 14, 2013...Andreas and I will take the first trip of a lifetime adventure with God.  We will be looking for a place to set up the orphanage and I will be making more contacts to see if we can set up a school also.

As you are praising, please pray with us also.  We are well aware of our human limitations, but don't want any of them to hinder the work the Lord has for Nepal and the precious children there.  We are on a high mountain top experience right now, but we must stay faithful through the vallies and the mundane details.

Thank you Christ that you love the orphan so much to allow us to be a small part of your huge plan!



Cydil said...

Your post is appropriately named.

Leticia Bruce said...

Speechless! You absolutely are right - these are ONE of those days! AMEN!!
And to begin your journey on Valentine's Day! How lovely :)
Blessings & prayers always