Wednesday, January 13, 2010

And It All Begins Again...

This is a sweet pic sent to me by our friends the Mukhopadhyays. This is their children Naomi and Nikhil with us. They sent it to me with the title "Waiting for Jane"... So Sweet.

Sorry that I have been silent for about two weeks. We were home and just having a good time together. I really enjoyed my break with the family. Samuel became much easier to be with during this time. I really think it was time away from the influence of pre-school that helped (sad to say but true). Andreas was sick, but we were still able to enjoy being a family.

Samuel has been playing with his legos non-stop. I am really glad he enjoys them so much. He is constantly reminding us that Jane (his sister we have yet to adopt) will not be able to play with them because "they are too little and I don't want her to choke and die". I totally agree with that assessment. Samuel is also showing more signs of impatience about his sister. He goes off by himself for a minute and says, "I am so sad that I don't have my sister". It is even harder to wait when he is getting impatient too. However, we talk about it with him and then try to redirect his attention. He says all this now, but wait until he realizes that she takes a lot of attention and is in his toys constantly (wonder what he will say then). We know that Nepal is starting up again with matches so we will continue to wait and be as patient as possible. We are praying for all of those who are waiting. We know it's hard, but hang in there (it's like having the gestation period of an elephant). Your child will come!

We are all back to the normal schedule now. Samuel is back to pre-school, me to Swedish class (feeling a bit stupid there) and Andreas to his two jobs. It is hard to reboot and go again, but tis life. We are wondering, looking and praying about Sam's pre-school. We have been disappointed with it and the lack of consistancy and communication. Samuel even went late today by two hours because he really didn't want to go and he waits for me at the gate of his class when he knows I am coming. Please pray with us that we can discern what to do and what the exact problem is (don't worry, he is not in danger there, I think he doesn't like being away from us after being with us 24-7).

On an up note we visited the school that Sam will be attending come Fall. We were quite impressed. It is called a Free School here in Sweden, but it is the equivalent of a private school. They had everything thought out well and all the statistics show that things are good. So now all in theory is great, let's see how it works. I really liked that the parents needed to be very involved (that would be me). Samuel seemed to really like the school also (of course he really doesn't know what he is talking about). To him it looked fun and there were not kids only sitting down listening (which is something Farmor told him). He says that sitting down listing all day is "boring". Thanks Farmor! So there is another prayer request as we begin parenting a child in school.

That is enough for the blog. I need to get my post placement report packed up to send to Nepal now. Yes, all of you adopting from Nepal will be doing 2 post adoption reports a year until your child is 16. They are not bad at all and I like that Nepal wants to know how the kids are doing, but I just realized that I will be doing 4 a year soon. I wonder if I can lump them together. That is a question I will have to ask.

Blessings to All,

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