Today was our churches planning day. Andreas spent a lot of time in prayer and work getting his thoughts and visions for the future together for this day. It went very well. He felt like the church enjoyed the day as well as supported what was for the future. We have some that want to dive into more, which is incredible. We also brought new members into the church. Our friends John and Anneli have now become official members of the church. Very exciting, please take a moment to Praise God with me. (Thank you Lord). We are excited for what the future brings.
This next week and the month to come is packed. I finally get to see a doctor on Monday. Being in the world of socialized medicine is not all that it is cracked up to be. Sure it's free - if you can actually get in to see a doctor! However, I am thankful for my appointment tomorrow and will go gladly to it. Samuel has a doctor's appointment on Thursday for his hearing aides. I am not sure what will happen, but it is good that we are starting to get things done. I can't wait to watch his face as he hears new things. He is already so full of wonder. Please pray that he takes well to the hearing aides and that they help him. Andreas will leave for Stockholm in a week for pastor's conferences. Andreas's dad will head for India for two weeks (I am very sad that I am not going with him). However, Samuel will now have surgery on his hernia and undecended testicle on February 11. I am not doing so well with that one. He will be put under anethesia and then cut. I know it will probably be worse for me than him and it has to be done, but I don't like it. Please pray with us through this time. The instructions say for him to stay in bed the whole next day - that will be an interesting day also :).
No new news on our second adoption. We have decided officially on Thailand. We are waiting to see if we get exempted from the classes since we already have an adopted son.
Samuel has really started to pray understandably. It is very sweet and he really thinks of everyone he knows or knew in the past to pray for. He especially likes to pray for a family of friends that we have in Mississippi. So Kim, Kirket, Taylor, Alex and Sarah - Samuel is praying for you all the time. I think he misses playing with you. Among the others that he regularly prays for are Darcy, Andy, Abby and Ellie, Nonna, Popo, Aunt Judy and Uncle Marty, Uncle Enzo, Lucalas (Lucas Bowen), Farfar and Farmor, Johan, Emma and Baby Viktor (Baby is in his offical name now) as well as assorted toys and happenings of the day. I think that the Lord must love it when he prays.
Samuel has also grown so much. The pictures below are a sign of that. The robe that he has on was given to him by a wonder woman named Kirsten here in Sweden. She is a dear friend of Andreas's mother. Kirsten bought this robe for him in June of 2006. It went all the way down to his feet. These pictures were taken in December of 2007 and the robe now comes just below his knees. It is amazing to see how much he has grown. He is also loosing, or lost his baby look. He definitely looks like a little boy and not a toddler anymore. Part of me is really sad to see this and part of me thinks it is so exciting. What a blessing he has been for these past two years. I fall more and more in love with him everyday (even the days he frustrates me). The Lord has blessed us so greatly with him. I pray that we can be united with the other children that the Lord has for our family soon.
I would love to hear from all of you, have been a bit homesick lately.
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