Sorry for the long hiatus, but it is crazy around here. We are packing, Andreas is gearing up for his last sermon, here in Alingsås. this Sunday, only a few more days of school for Samuel, an ear infection in his ear that just had surgery (yikes...but okay), speech therapy and everyday schedule with David, making plans to go see another house in Norway, saying goodbye to some of my wonderful Bible study ladies and so much more. It is all making this mamma really tired and stretched.
Overall we are doing well, but when it's time for bed....I am out! Somedays I don't even get a chance to check my email, let alone blog for a while. Tonight I finally crashed, after dinner I came into my room for a minute, laid on my bed with David to do some tickling and cuddling...that was it...I was out. I woke up to screaming and laughing in the hall, but can't manage to get my body in action tonight, so I listened and took it easy.
On the church front, Andreas does preach his last sermon here at Alingsås Methodist Church, this Sunday. I can't believe we are already here at this point. As always the churches go together for the summer, but there will be no services held here. In the Fall another church will be using these facilities for their services. It has been a long process to come to this time, but I think that the few members that we have left have come to some closure. This church as been faithful for over 100 years and now the Methodist church as a whole will not longer exist in Sweden. The joining of the 3 denominations is almost complete in Sweden and we pray that they will truly follow Christ as this endeavor moves forward. There are so many emotions as all this unfolds, but still believing and trusting that God knows the bigger picture when we can only see a glimpse of what is going on.
Samuel is enjoying the last few days that he has in Vittra (his school). I know he is excited to move, but he will also miss his pals. I am really proud of how he has embraced our move and the enthusiasm the he exudes for making new friends and having new adventures. He is growing up before my eyes and there are days I see the pre-teen on the horizon. He will always be my first baby...but don't tell him that...he wants to be old now. He is doing well, but we have found out he has a small infection in the ear that had surgery. We are thankful that the infection is on the outside of the eardrum and we are using drops to get rid of it.
David is sensing all the changes and so I am doing my best to talk, encourage and cuddle him a lot. He is such a resilient little guy and I am so proud of how he is rolling with the punches. David was given a bike by a friend and he is thoroughly enjoying it. He has picked up really quickly and he is so proud of himself because he can now be like his big brother!
Monday Andreas, David, Farmor, Farfar and I will be headed to Mysen, Norway to check out another house. We are very thankful for the amazing friends we have that are willing to help us by picking up Sam and having him over for a while. A couple weeks ago we bid on a house, but lost the bid (In Sweden and Norway they have bidding wars...not like the States at all). We are really excited to see this house in person. One of our wonderful church members checked it out for us and sent pictures, so now is the time to go, see and maybe seal the deal. We are excited to see what the Lord has planned and ready to know where we will be living. I am so thankful for the support of the people in the church. They have been so incredibly kind and helpful to us. I am greatly humbled by God's provisions.
At the end of next week both Andreas and I will be in North Norway for the Methodist conference. We will also be celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary. Wow...has it been that long...when did I get this old? I am still so deeply in love with my amazing husband and thankful to our God who delights in marriage and sustains us (even when Andreas is putting up with a hormonal wife!!)
And...and...and...and... I could write all night, but my pillow is calling my name. The biggest thing on my heart cannot yet be written. However, please keep Andreas' family in your prayers as we are all about to lose a beloved family member, not for good...but for now... the place is prepared... Jesus awaits him. Praise Jesus that this world is not the end! We cry today, but there WILL be JOY in the morning!