Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Slow Brain

I can't believe it is the middle of March and I haven't posted since Feb.  All I can say is...exhaustion.  But, I have a little story that happened this weekend with Sam.

We were all sitting at the table playing with cards and cars and drinking tea.  Andreas and Sam were going back and forth teasing each other.  Sam got it into his head to put Andreas in his place a little.  However, Sam messed it up and...well I will let the dialog tell the story.

S: Daddy, you have a medium fast brain.
A: Oh really.
S:  Yeah and mommy has a slow brain...

At this point Andreas died laughing (and so did I), but of course I had to act a little offended.

Me:  Hey, wait a minute, are you saying I'm dumb?
S:  No, no, no that is not what I mean!  I mean that daddy thinks too fast, but you take your time and think things through!  (Andreas is still laughing hysterically).  Daddy, stop laughing, Mommy is smarter than you!

Although it did take Andreas and I a while to stop laughing, Andreas knew that Sam was trying to say that I was smarter just to get his Daddy.  But now, I have heard several times from Andreas that my brain is slower and then he goes into a good belly laugh.  So there you have it folks, right from my sons mouth (and he's not even a teenager yet), moms dumb!


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