Monday, June 14, 2010

Ordination pictures

Ok, these are some pictures from Andreas's ordination ceremony. In short, this means that he is now an ordained elder in the worldwide United Methodist church, licensed to preach, teach and serve.

First off is the historical test, a series of vows written down by John Wesley, Methodism's founder some approx. 300 years ago. Every Methodist pastor in history (more or less) has answered these questions and deeply pondered their impact on their lives.

This is the second ceremony, or the actual ordination. The ordination service was a joint service with two other denominations, i.e. the guys and gals in black. Andreas is the guy in white and the bishop is asking him in he believes that God has called him to being a pastor.

This is the moment of ordination. The bishop places his hands on Andreas, along with superintendents and a sponsor/another elder, and prays for God's wisdom and power to enable him to do his task of spreading God's kingdom on earth.

"The gang" - everybody is ordained and turned around to meet the 3000 people's applause and approval. A very special moment!

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