Thursday, February 02, 2012

Pulled from the Past...Backlog

I think I mentioned that in December Samuel participated in his first gymnastics competition.  This competition was around Dec. 13 and was called the Lucia Cup (after St. Lucia which is celebrated here in Sweden).  He was a bit nervous in front of so many people and judges, but did really well for his very first competition.  He now says that he wants to be in more competitions.  This actually makes me really happy.  Some of the reasons we directed Samuel towards gymnastics is that he has so much energy and he is competitive.  We thought the discipline of gymnastics would help these two traits be put where they belonged in a good environment.  Sam loves it.  Below are a few pics from that day.  I think Sam looks adorable in his outfit.  Such a handsome, wonderful, energetic boy.  I praise Jesus that I get to be his mamma.  

All the boys received a medal.  He looks so proud of himself here.  

Just monkeying around.  

That was his medal from Farmor and Farfar...the best part about it for Sam was the gold wrapping on the outside, the best part for David...chocolate on the inside!

To of my 3 handsome boys. 

He really does amaze me for being in gymnastics such a short time how much he can do.  This little guy is tremendously strong also.  He tries to play strength games with me to see if he is stronger than me yet.  He is not...however, when he is I have a secret (or not so secret) weapon...The boy is more ticklish than anyone I have ever known in my live.  One poke and it doesn't matter how strong he is...he is on the floor laughing.  

1 comment:

Megan said...

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