Thursday, January 13, 2011

The First Entry of the Year

Hello folks, and Happy New Year,
I know it has been two weeks since New Years and I am finally getting things together to blog again.  One of the reasons I don't blog so much is we are trying to set up a system that I can download all of my pictures, but for some reason we can't seem to get it together and so I have about 2000 pictures on my camera and I cannot download them at the moment.  So I have downloaded a few to share.

Before going to far I wanted to say a huge CONGRATS to the Taufer's.  Vicki and Nima have been stuck in Nepal waiting for a VISA and today (after almost 6 months) Vicki received word that she is getting her VISA!!!! Vicki, I am doing a happy dance with Nima for you.

Also, Nina and Wes Mullins will be boarding a plane in just a few hours to Ethiopia. Once there, they will meet their twins, go to court, and hopefully bring them home quickly.  Congratulations you guys, can't wait to see pics.  You are included in the happy dance also (sorry folks, no video of the dance).

I have to admit that I have been struggling lately.  This 3 1/2 year, 3 different country adoption journey is weighing me down at the moment.  I know that God is in control and I know that this is all in the timing that it should be according to Him.  I know that our paperwork is in China right now and that it really won't be that long (hopefully) in the big scheme of things, but I am tired and my heart is aching for my child (I need to find rest in the God that promises he will give it to us).  Someday, my child may read this and this is what I would say the him/her if he/she were here:

I have loved you since you were a thought and a dream.
I don't know you by sight, smell, sound, touch, age or even gender, but I know you in my heart.
It seems as we have searched the world and yet you seem so close.
I cry for you and somehow I know that you cry for me too.
We talk about you as if you are here with us, and you are, in the dreams of our heart.
Most of all I want to hold you and comfort you.  To watch you grow and thrive.  To watch you play with your big brother and to teach you about the God that brought us together.
One day, hopefully before my heart bursts, we will be together and this mother's love will no longer be held back or hampered by distance and knowledge.  
I love you my child,

Thanks for reading the ramblings of one crazy mom right now.  I know that so many of you have felt the same thing and are struggling right now also.  May we all take heart in the bigger picture of what God is doing and allow all of this to shape us into the image of who He is.  Maybe the ache of the heart for these children is already a part of this image. Oh, but I have such a long way to go.

Enjoy the pictures below.  Blessings on all of you tonight.

These pics are from the 1st and 2nd of January, when we were still at the ocean house.  I love this goof ball.  He is such a blessing.... even when I am annoyed with him.  I thank God for his wonderous child.

Already looking all G.Q.  (and he knows how to pose for the camera).

New Years was quite relaxing.  Even the dog got into the groove of things.

This is us saying goodbye to the ocean just before we left.  Andreas got a hold of the camera.

This is what we came home to.  Yes, a very dead tree.  Even some of the ornaments had fallen off because the tree was so dead and wouldn't hold them.  We actually put the tree out one of the windows behind it.  Although there wasn't any needles left on the branches.  I love Sam's face in this picture.

Andreas is in Stockholm at a church conference and this is what I woke up to this morning.  We have had a lot of snow, but  when it sticks to the trees it is just gorgeous and makes everything beautiful.  I loved the light this morning so I snapped a few pics.  I can so get the phrase..."and you shall be washed as white as snow".  This all brings new meaning to that for me.


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