Yes, believe it or not folks I am back up and running. Thank you for your patience with me. This will be the first of many posts, but the only one tonight. This summer seemed to go by in a flash. We kept pretty busy and tried to squeeze everything we could out of a day. Since we live in Sweden and we had a lot of rain (the worst summer for 50 years, so they say), we even went hiking in the rain. Just put on rain gear and go. That is the way it is. We still had a lot of fun. Loved the fact that Andreas was home with us all the time. Samuel really identified with his daddy this summer. It was good, but hard to see. He is not always mommy's little boy anymore. Samuel got to spend sometime with his grandparents at their ocean house. He had a blast and mommy and daddy got some alone time (what a blessing). We also tried to always find new "adventures" to do. This kept Samuel interested in just about anything, as long as we called it an adventure.
Physically, I had a rough summer, but seem to be doing better now. Andreas has started work on his book (a dream of many years), and Samuel is growing like a weed and will turn 5 on September 10th. My how time flies. No news on the adoption as of yet. I don't believe that Nepal is moving forward right now, we are in a stalemate. Keep praying though, Samuel really needs a sibling and we would love to have our little girl home. I have posted some random pics below. Will start doing this way more often now.
Samuel showing off at the ocean.

one of our adventures took us to this lake. Thought it was a cool picture (what do you think Cydil?)

This was a fun "adventure". Mommy made a sail boat out of a printer box. We sailed the seven seas that day!

It was rainy this summer, but the benefit is that the mushrooms love it. These are Chantrelles or Kantereller in Swedish. The are extememly good and the only mushroom I know to pick that isn't poisonous! Yes, a very good thing to know.

We got to spend a little time with Mormor and Morfar. This is them inspecting the grounds at the summer home.