Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yes, everyday we do see progress and below are two ways that has happened.  On another note that needs some prayer... David has night terrors.  They seemed to be getting better and he would even go some nights without whining, but the past two nights he has been sitting up in bed and fighting with something when I come in (tonight I only heard two whines before I was with him).  He calms down immediately once I get to him.  I just need to put him in my arms and he stops fighting and sleeps again.  He doesn't fight going to sleep so he obviously doesn't remember anything.  I don't know what he is fighting in his sleep, but it breaks my heart, but I know that Jesus can calm this fear we just need to ask.  Will you please pray for him with me?  

Thank you,
This is the boy that a month ago would not let me put him down and would hold his feet up as far as possible so that the dog would not get him.  He was terrified (no exaggeration) of this dog.  Today he did this spontaneously!  Praise Jesus for even the simplest of progress.  

I love this picture.  The boys are so interested in Pappa working with tools.  I am so thankful that David was not afraid.  When we first got home he was afraid of all loud noises.  

1 comment:

Kim M Haney said...

When Alex had night terrors, it would break my heart. It does get better but really all you can do is love them through it. Lots of holding and rocking...and praying. You are so lucky to have your wonderful boys! I'm happy for you. Right now, I am listening to two of my build play doh pizzas while 2 more are sleeping. :) hugs, Kim