I, Laurie, have been led without a doubt  through Jesus. He has given me the passion for orphans and adoption.  I know so many adoptive parents say that, and it is very true.  Before my family moved  to Sweden to minister here, I had my dream job.  First of all I was finally mommy to my son and I was the coordinator for the international section of an adoption agency.  I also worked in domestic adoption with birthmothers.  I am one the many that sees adoption through the eyes of Christ. Not only the adoption of children around the world, but our adoption as children of God.  There is no way to seperate the two.  We now live in Sweden and I am a support to my pastor husband, which is both hard and wonderful.  I do believe that being a pastor and adoption go together and so here is another arm of this passion.

Looking towards the future, both my husband and I have a dream to open a family style home and school for children in Nepal.  With God's prompting and timing we hope to see this to fruition.

And while my husband would remind me that we are adding to our family one at a time, I have a passion to continue to grow our, almost family of four, to more.