Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Brave Boy

My Brave Samuel is an amazing boy.  He teaches me so much and I am so thankful to be his mommy.  When Sam was a baby and in the orphanage in Nepal he has many, MANY ear infections.  They tried their best to help him, but the cold and conditions would not allow the infections to stay away for long,  if at all.  Because of these infections his eardrums tore.  He only has 10% of his eardrums in each ear.  Despite his injury, he is still able to hear and learn been proven by the two languages that he can fluently speak. 

Samuel has been wearing hearing aides since he was three years old, but it is now time to try to fix one of his eardrums.  Tomorrow we will be going to Borås where Samuel will have surgery to build one of his eardrums (we are not sure which side just yet).  They will go through the bone in the back of his ear and take skin from the top of his ear to build the new drum.  The surgery should take about 2 hours.  He is sooooooooooo excited.  He keeps saying it will be his best day.  I love the enthusiasm that he has.  To be very honest he simply would like to get rid of the hearing aides and be like the other children.  

We would appreciate everyones prayers as this takes place.  He will have to go back in a week and take the stitches out and the gauze in his ear and there is a 10% chance that it will not take.  Please pray that it does and we can move on to the next ear soon.

In all of this God gets the glory and praise.  He has placed Samuel in this family and Samuel loves Jesus with all his heart.  So we will keep our eyes on Him and Him alone.  


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